Monday, July 13, 2009

As we exit Drake's stash house we notice a green magnum approach the corner.[Snake] Ay! RAUL!!! what up fool...[Raul] What up Snakes?![Snake] Nothing.. handling that BI. Yea... replies Raul.. What you you bout to get into in about 30mins?[Snake] Me and my girl going to ATL.[Journey] We Are?....Snake gives her the evil eye to shout her up. he doesn't like Raul from what I see I whisper to Sa'gi.[Sa'gi] so... why he shout em out?[Dior] it seems as if Raul has that work so Snake knows he has to befriend him.[Raul] so r we still on for 2:30? yea I reply.. I'm getting ready to head in I say...[Everybody] Goodnight Dior!See you tomorrow Sa'gi says smiling . I hop in the car with Raul as he's looking to say I thought your name was mecca? I chuckle as i see him just sigh like she'll tell me when she's ready. as I try to exit the car..[Raul] Let me get the door for you he says almost tripping out his seat as if he were racing someone else. He opens the door being very gentle by helping me out the car. [Raul] Do you and ya friend wanna go to the beach? whats her name? [Dior] Who? [Raul] The one with the orange hair and freckles?.. Oh lol thats my girl Sa'gi[Raul] oh does she have a man because i see Journey and Snake back on again so i was wondering if you too wanted to kick it at the beach? I give him my number and behind the screen door i respond.. Call me in the morning and we'll be ready I say smiling a lil. He smiles back and the same song Till The End Of Time by tupac is playing just as it was the first time I rode in his ride. Being awakend by Mariah Careys ring tone.. Shake it off!!! I gotta shake you you off!! SHAKE SHAKE!! i grab for my phone to hear Raul's voice in the reciever.[Raul] Hey! You up sleepy head? [Dior] No. [Raul] Well its 7:00 I'll be there at 9:00 k?[Dior] yea.. 9:00. We hang up and before i know it its 8:30 i jump up kinda slow but fast realizing i had to call Sa'gi to tell her the get up. [Sa'gi] Girl i been up I had to go jogging this morning you know stay in shape. We both laugh and she tells me she's around the corner approaching my block because she couldn't sleep so.. she was heading to storm in and wake me anyway. [Dior] Whew!! Girl! You startled me i spat at Sa'gi while the shower water makes a puddle around me. [Sa'gi Man! your a freaking punk she laughs out.. Raul said he's 5 mins away so please dry and get dressed he said we don't need to bring anything except oursleves. Sa'gi heads down stairs and i here her messing with the fridge ice maker.